Both my mother and my grandmother had a hysterectomy, because of endometrial cancer around the age I am now.
I knew eventually I had to get the cancer diagnostics myself.
I knew there was no reason to put it off any longer.
I am a scientist, I should know better.
I am also human and I was scared.
Two weeks ago I finally went. Breast cancer, cervical cancer and endometrial cancer.
I am so proud I finally did it.
Then something wonderful happened.
Moments after I left that doctors office a butterfly sat down on my wrist, next to the tattoo I got for my grandmother, who had endometrial cancer “So take my hands and guide me”.
It felt like she was there with me.
The breast cancer results came back negative and I am still waiting for the rest.
If you are on the fence, please make the appointment and get that check.