Picture perfect

On paper my life looks perfect. On the outside I look happy. 2 beautiful children. Happily married since years. Over 10 awards and research grants. Prestigious Research Fellowships. Excellence Summer School. Top 10 % of…

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Pride in Academia- the labels that don’t stick…

I am a 40 year old cis gendered woman. I am an academic and a researcher in Social Sciences. I hold a permanent contract with my University and yet I am not sure how to…

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Jordan`s legacy

“My experience of suicide is that it is the equivalent of a bomb going off in your living room while you’re sitting watching telly. Afterwards you’re astonished you’re alive, but everything has changed and you…

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My journey with Huntington`s Disease

It is interesting to notice that many pivotal moments, in contrast to popular believe, are not engraved in your memory – or at least not in mine. Before I started to write this piece, I…

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Woman on a Mission

I have a confession to make: I used to have an eating disorder. Although my family and friends know this about me, after starting my PhD at Maastricht University in 2011, I told only a…

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