
Posts by this author:

One VENI – Two interviews

In a few days my daughter Lily will turn 2 years old. She was born shortly after my first NWO VENI research grant interview, as I went into labor the night after the interview. I…

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Ps. Love is love. I love you

Some time in June 1997 a dear friend shared with me a letter he was going to send to his mom. In this letter he tells her among other things that he experienced child trauma…

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Open up, ask for help

Being accepted by others, in my opinion, starts by accepting myself. With my habitabilites, mistakes, flaws, small or insignificant success, background, expertise, traumas, etc. Am a brown-skinned, short, big-bellied 54yr old gnome teaching Physics and…

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Feminine Heart, Mind, and Soul

Frequently, I find myself being asked About two groups of individuals: “You only successfully mentor women?” “All your running partners are women?” Implicitly, the missing word is “Why?” I have thought about this time and…

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Do you think I’m delusional?

My mom and her three young kids fled their country out of fear to be murdered by their government. We lived in refugee camps for five years before we finally were allowed to stay in…

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